"The past is not a peaceful landscape lying there behind me, a country in which I can stroll wherever I please; and which will gradually show me all it's secret hills and dales. As I was moving forward, so it was crumbling. Most of the wreckage that can still be seen is distorted, frozen...” - Simone de Beauvoir
For nearly a decade, The Dollhouse stood in a frozen field just off of highway #2 in the Canadian Prairies. A match was lit and in a few moments its walls and all the stories within were lost forever.
'The Dollhouse' is an experimental film documenting the decommissioning of Heather Benning's artwork, 'The Dollhouse'.
Filmed by Chad Galloway & Heather Benning
Edited by Thomas Sabinsky
Music by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Special Thanks
Canada Council for the ArtsAlan and Lisa Jones
Cathi Gibson
Don Wilkie
Gerald Ferguson
Sharla Carins
Larry, Rosalie and Sheri Benning
Jenn Strom
John Redpath
Paved Arts
Saskatchewan Arts Board
Sedar Tunc
Sergio Guerrero
Christina Sabinsky
Jenny Galloway
Festival Cinemística - Granada, Spain (Winner: Distinción Roja) La Guarimba- Amantea, Italy (Winner: Best Sound Design, Best Music)
Vancouver International Film Festival - Vancouver, Canada Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Mar del Plata - Buenos Aires, Argentina National Screen Institute Short Film Festival - Winnipeg, Canada Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente - Buenos Aires, Argentina 13th International Festival Signes de Nuit - Paris, France Yorkton Film Festival - Yorkton, Canada Glasgow Short Film Festival - Glasgow, Scotland Oak Cliff Independant Film Festival - Dallas, USA DocuTIFF - Tirana, Albania Festival Parachute Light Zero Act II - Paris, France Dawson City International Short Film Festival - Dawson City, Canada Kraljevski Film Festival - Kraljevski, Serbia Boise Film Festival - Boise, USA Wiz-Art International Short Film Festival, Lviv, Ukraine Merveilleux Film Festival, Paris, France Purgatory Film Exhibition - Detroit, USA Short Waves Festival - Poznań, Poland Quarantine Film Festival - Varna, Bulgaria Antimatter Media & Art Festival - Victoria, Canada Dawson City International Short Film Festival - Dawson City, Canada